our country and it s being normalized. just keep walking. that is not okay either and the economic impact of that, no-go zones downtown and city, shopping districts. you see crime that comes from that and looting, that is related and won t connect dots. skid row has been there forever and i went with dr. drew couple years ago and what was appalling, it s been festering for decades, festering, why would we augment it and why doesn t the government see throwing more money to the problem doesn t help clearly. these people are addicted and eating their own douglas: campaign last year in new york, don t feel shame if you are a heroin user, use safely. we re not far away from heroin pride. shame is not the main problem in this. the main problem is the get people off drugs and make sure
you don t see in most first world cities sights you see in every american city. every time the people are pro-legalization, make it easier to get hold of the drugs or more acceptable to get ahold of the drugs or normalize taking of the drug, such as vending machine with crack pipes suggest we are in there a bit. something needs to be radically rethought in this country about this issue. young people s lives are being destroyed by getting access to drugs which are mind alteringly strong, laced with other substances like fentanyl and you can say we need to make this safer. no, there is no way to make that safer. the only safe way is to make sure young people and others don t get anywhere near the drugs. kayleigh: assume responsibility by the government to protect citizens, protect
drugs don t come into the country in the first place, that is something the government can do. washington, d.c., it is unbelievable. for visitor to the country to see what they can see in washington, you would think the united states is rotting from the center out. it is. we covered on this couch, multi recidivist offender put in jail and he was drug addict and he said, thank you. that was the best thing to happen to me, incarceration and i m drug free. coming up, on the 79th anniversary of d-day, new op ed asked if we betrayed sacrifice of braver american heroes, that is next. (vo) if you ve had thyroid eye disease for years and your bloodshot eyes have you seeing red, it s not too late for another treatment option. to learn more visit treatted.com that s treatt-e-d.com.
borders and stop coddling people who need help and give firm discipline in the way that enables them to end the addiction. they do not care whether we call them addict or person with an addiction, that is something taxpayer dollars have gone toward, restructuring the language. kayleigh: you have an addict, give them tools to do drugs. they tried this in the tenderloin district in san francisco, i believe. they referred 18 people out of 23,000. these things don t work. i read in the post, new drug called zombie drug puts you into a cata tonic state that causes you to eat flesh off people, this is scary stuff. we are going to enable gateway drugs. emily: cassie, a few correspondents have shown to
The Drug Enforcement Administration and the Young Marines, a national youth organization, named the Young Marines unit winners of the Enrique "Kiki" Camarena Award.