Be existing in order to ensure disproportionate, discriminatory stops not taking place. Third, we would like to suggest community policing. Having officers heavily involved in their communities there will be more of a connection which may help to limit implicit bias. Lastly we suggest procedural justice. Having officers focus on the way that they interact with the public, and it being neutral and all of their decisionmaking. At this time, i would like each of our interns to come up and give their favorite highlights of the summary with this. Good evening, commissioners. Chief scott, and executive director mr. Henderson. I am a San Francisco native. I will be starting my senior year at San Francisco state university. I am majoring in criminal justice studies and graduated with a bachelors degree in. My experience as a dpa and turner being part part of the osa program has been extremely rewarding. I enjoy assisting the office staff with organizing and creating new files and researching c
Perfect. If there is nothing further, commissioners. On that motion, commissioners, to approve this matter with conditions as amended to include directing the project sponsor to continue working with the community on security issue measures. [roll call] that motion passes unanimously 60. That puts us at item 8. Good afternoon commissioners, kate connor, Planning Department staff. Im going to provide an informational presentation on senate bill 35. A brief overview. Can i get the overhead . Okay, perfect. A bit of background. Senate bill 35 became effective in in january it provided ministerial review of projects that provide a certain amount of Affordable Housing. The amount of Affordable Housing is dependent on a toward their housing elements, Regional Housing needs allocations arena. This bill is applicable statewide. With the only section being those jurisdictions that are already meeting the arena goals. The bill contained two programs, one for jurisdictions that were under produci
With that said, would there be any way you could mitigate, just the neighbors concerns without per se cutting those hours. My office is a way from the church on market safeway, lets just say its an eventful walk every time. To those neighbors i work near the safeway, but these neighbors may live closer to the safeway, is there anything you can do that would make them feel better. Believe so, i think we could try to draft a condition of approval and whether we called it a Property Maintenance and security condition where there was specific monitoring of the exterior parking lot ive done this another jurisdiction, prior to opening, we meet with the Police Department and have the store director, and the Police Department, at least know each other, have perhaps yearly check ins. At 1200 irving we have a designated person at the store as a Community Contact for the neighborhood group. Definitely can have that. I know cvs had a handful of conditions of approval on the maintenance of the park
Indivisible with liberty and justice for all. [roll call] commissioner, you have a quorum. Also present as chief William Scott of the San Francisco Police Department. And the chief of staff Sarah Hawkins in place of director Paul Henderson from the department of Police Account ability. Thank you. Good evening everyone, this is the august, august 7, 2019 meeting of the San Francisco Police Agenda Police Commission. Adoption of minutes. For the meeting of june 2017 and july 10, 2019. Any discussion . Do we need Public Comments on this . Seeing none. Public comments are closed. Please call for a vote. [roll call] all in favor . It carried unanimously. Line item to, consent calendar. Receive and file; action. Sfpd dpa report Second Quarter 2019. Do we need a vote to accept or approve . To accept. Can i have a motion to accept so moved. Seconded. Any discussion . All right. All in favor . Opposed . It carries. Line item three, report to the commission; discussion. Chiefs report, provided an
Difficult to compete and be able to operate in a way that its not going to have the neighborhood and be saddled with an two empty shell for ten years. Those are my comments. Perfect. If there is nothing further, commissioners. On that motion, commissioners, to approve this matter with conditions as amended to include directing the project sponsor to continue working with the community on security issue measures. [roll call] that motion passes unanimously 60. That puts us at item 8. Good afternoon commissioners, kate connor, Planning Department staff. Im going to provide an informational presentation on senate bill 35. A brief overview. Can i get the overhead . Okay, perfect. A bit of background. Senate bill 35 became effective in in january it provided ministerial review of projects that provide a certain amount of Affordable Housing. The amount of Affordable Housing is dependent on a toward their housing elements, Regional Housing needs allocations arena. This bill is applicable state