greater: russia. sanctions are taking a much greater: russia. the sanctions that are in greater: russia. the sanctions that are in place, greater: russia. the sanctions that are in place, they - greater: russia. the sanctions that are in place, they don t i that are in place, they don t stop at the list of those rich russians. the idea here is to target economically sensitive areas, to target companies that areas, to target companies that are critical to the russian economy into the russian war. authorities are stepping up the pace. in the last few weeks, they indicted russian oligarch over leg there are pasta for a sanctions invasion in two of his associates were arrested, one of them in the uk. kleptoca ptu re says one of them in the uk. kleptocapture says there is more to come. tt kleptocapture says there is more to come. kleptocapture says there is more to come. if a priority for us to look more to come. if a priority for us to look at more to come. if a priority for us t