IIT GATE Exam 2023: The examination will be held in two slots 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM to 5:30 PM. Candidates will be able to download their response sheet from February 15. aaa
GATE Exam 2023 will be held in two shifts - the morning shift will be conducted from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm and the afternoon shift will begin at 2.30 pm and end at 5.30 pm.
GATE Exam 2023: With few days left for the entrance exam, most of the aspirants would be dealing with anxiety and nervousness. Check exam preparation tips, steps to download the Admit card, and other related details here. aaa
GATE 2023 admit card will be released tomorrow, January 9, 2023, scroll down for the steps to download here. GATE 2023 will begin on February 3, 2023, at IIT Kanpur.