The Government of India is planning to spend around Rs 7.5 trillion to build oil and gas infrastructure over the next five years, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi. After dedicating the Ramanathapuram–Thoothukudi natural gas pipeline and Gasoline desulfurisation unit at Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd and laying the foundation stone for the Rs 31,500 crore Cauvery basin Refinery at Nagapattinam, the Prime Minister said that in 2019-20, India imported over 85 per cent of oil and 53 per cent of gas to meet its domestic demands. Can a diverse and talented nation like ours be so energy-dependent, he asked. It is our collective duty to work towards clean and green sources of energy and reduce energy-dependence, said the Prime Minister, adding that his Government is sensitive to the concerns of the middle class and thus, India is increasing focus on clean and green sources and ethanol to help farmers and consumers.
February 15, 2021
P Jayadevan (right), Executive Director, Tamil Nadu & Puducherry and State Head, Indian Oil Corporation with Rajeev Ailawadi, Managing Director-in charge, CPCL at a press conference in Chennai - Bijoy Ghosh
P Jayadevan (right), Executive Director, Tamil Nadu & Puducherry and State Head, Indian Oil Corporation with Rajeev Ailawadi, Managing Director-in charge, CPCL at a press conference in Chennai - Bijoy Ghosh× Prime Minister Narendra Modi will dedicate two oil and gas projects to the nation and lay the foundation stone for a ₹31,500 crore refinery project in Tamil Nadu on February 17.
“The Prime Minister will lay the foundation stone through virtual mode for the proposed 9 million tonnes per annum (MMTPA) grass-root refinery project at Nagapattinam to be set up through a JV between Indian Oil Corporation and Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd (CPCL) at an estimated project cost of ₹31,500 crore,” said Rajeev Ailawadi, Managing Director-In-Cha