Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd (BORL) owns and operates a 7.8 million tonne a year refinery at Binar in Madhya Pradesh while Bharat Gas Resources Ltd (BGRL), formed in June 2018, holds BPCL s interests in the areas where it intends to build city-gas distribution (CGD) networks, , bharat petroleum, fitch ratings
BPCL to take over Oman Oil’s stake in Bina
A proposal to approach the Madhya Pradesh government for acquiring 2.69 crore warrants held by it in BORL was also given the go-ahead.
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NEW DELHI: Headed for privatisation, the Board of state-owned Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL) on Thursday approved a proposal to buy Oman Oil Company’s stake in the Bina refinery project in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
BPCL holds 63.68 per cent stake in Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd (BORL), which built and operates a 7.8 million tonne oil refinery at Bina in MP. Oman Oil had recently expressed an interest to divest its stake in BORL. The JV had become a subsidiary of BPCL in March this year when it converted warrants into shares, taking the state-owned refiner’s stake in the erstwhile equal joint venture to 63.38 per cent.