We were looking for Annie.
Our search took us off the easy trail, instead causing us to meander up and around trees, fallen limbs and rocks showing through not-so-deep snow.
We heard Annie before we s.
We were looking for Annie.
Our search took us off the easy trail, instead causing us to meander up and around trees, fallen limbs and rocks showing through not-so-deep snow.
We heard Annie before we s.
There’s are reason it’s named the Sky Lakes Wilderness Area.
Actually, about 200 reasons.
That’s the approximate number of lakes in the 27-mile-long, 6-mile-wide Sky Lakes Wilderness that runs along .
As we unloaded our kayaks at the Howard Bay boat ramp, the midges and other bugs were ferocious, thousands of them weaving their way onto our clothes, hats, sunglasses, ears, neck everywhere.
Just o.
Lost Creek isn’t lost anymore.
The creek that often parallels Lost Creek Trail into the east side of the Sky Lakes Wilderness Area usually is unseen. Over the past several decades, day hikers and back.