Ohio Challengers 4-H Club meets
Information submitted Monday, March 15, 2021 12:02 AM Fox Hunters officers Gary Schaadt and Rick Gent are pictured with Ohio Challengers members Carson Kreischer, Ella Lamb, Ethan Lugabihl, and Dakota Thornell. (Photo submitted)
CONVOY Ohio Challengers 4-H Club held its first meeting of 2021 on Wednesday, March 3 at the Fox Hunters building in Convoy. There were two advisors, three guests, and 43 members present at the meeting. New members were introduced, including Kale Pugh, Connor Ream, Ella Ream, Macie Dickman, Shay Wehner, Jace Wehner, and Macie Wehner.
Cloverbud members worked on a 4-H Pledge activity with advisor Ashley Carrier. Advisor Judy Wortman spoke to regular members about important county 4-H dates coming soon. These include general Quality Assurance sessions on April 12, May 10, and June 22 and rabbit Quality Assurance on April 4. Enrollment deadline for 4-H is on April 1 and spring clean-up at t