Theater, unlike baseball, doesn’t award wins and losses. However, Connie Cassidy might have earned a couple of saves in her career stats. Cassidy will be pl
‘A Service of Lessons and Carols’
SALEM – The First Presbyterian Church of Salem will present “A Service of Lessons and Carols,” featuring the music of John Rutter, first performed on Sunday, Dec. 15, 2019. This rebroadcast will be available for viewing at 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 20. The broadcast will be available on Facebook at First Presbyterian Church of Salem, Ohio, along with YouTube at The Lessons and Carols service is a collection of Advent and Christmas carols, based on the traditional English service of Lessons and Carols, presented by the Haviland Choir. The choir is accompanied by an instrumental ensemble, including flutes, oboe, clarinets, trumpets, horns, trombones, tuba, piano and percussion. Nancy McNeal, church organist accompanies the choir. Cheryl and Gary Kekel will perform “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus” during the service. Director of Music at First Presbyterian Salem is John Krauss. This service is presented in honor of