Firearms instructors and law enforcement officers called on state officials Monday to assemble a task force to address long-standing confusion surrounding Arkansas gun laws.
Arkansas Second Amendment activists and county sheriffs called on a legislative panel Monday to create a task force to provide guidance to firearms instructors and citizens regarding state gun law.
Firearms instructors and law enforcement officers called on state officials Monday to assemble a task force to address long-standing confusion surrounding Arkansas gun laws.
April 27, 20219:10 am
When the House convenes at 10 a.m. this morning, its decision on an override of Governor Hutchinson’s veto of SB 290, the “sovereignty” act declaring Arkansas won’t enforce federal gun laws isn’t the only item of contention. The Senate overrode the veto yesterday, despite a rising chorus about problems in the bill.
One question is whether, before the planned end of business today definitive action can be taken on a substitute bill that the governor has said would be acceptable.
He also has a problem with another bill on his desk. KATV reports:
NEW: A veto of HB 1390, another bill concerning gun control, may be on the horizon. @AsaHutchinson says: “I’ve notified both the House and Senate that that bill is flawed as well, and I hope that they withdraw the bill versus requiring me to veto it.”