know the embassies were bombed a decision was made within an hour to start loading planes. we moved people. we were on the ground in 26 hours for the follow-up. we had the embassy secured there. that was done very, very quickly. this thing here of waiting 17 days to get a visa to go there to begin an investigation is insanity. judge jeanine: one word, what do you think of the president s refusal to send in the military. one word? gary? a disgrace. lieutenant? unacceptable. woul cowardly. commander? culpable negligence. judge jeanine: thanks for being with us. top dallas here tonight. thank you so much coming up, how long did the liberal media continue to ignore the benghazi cover up? and later, governor romney continues to gain momentum. we will show you the latest polls from the all-important swing states. bob.
we know all the high level people had it, right, colonel hunt? absolutely. judge jeanine: so they had this. now, i will go to gary burnson. are you there, garry? yes, i m here. judge jeanine: this is all coming out in the last 48 hours. ty woods on the ground asking for backup supposedly with his laser on the mortars that ultimately killed him and there is no backup for hours and hours. what do you think of that? well, the first thing is this, that it was reported also one thing you haven t stated is that this based on reporting the ci instructed their people at the annex not to relieve those at the embassy under fire. they ordered them three times to stand down and the two former navy seals led a team contrary to orders to rescue those at the embassy. then bring them back and then expecting help themselves, never got it. if that is true judge jeanine: the sad thing go ahead, if that is true? if that is true it is
reporter: bin laden s base of operations is afghanistan. here, the fundamentalist taliban regime provides sanctuary. so immediately after september 11th, small u.s. commando teams begin working with local warlords who oppose the taliban to get bin laden. cia officer gary burnson is on the ground helping lead the mission. keep pushing people forward. keep taking ground. keep working with northern alliance or other tribal units to seize territory and to kill the enemy. reporter: concerned that a large deployment of american troops would provoke a backlash, the americans are, in effect,
west that said, wanted dead or alive. reporter: bin laden s base of operations is afghanistan. here, the fundamentalist taliban regime provides sanctuary. so, immediately after september 11th, small, u.s. commando teams began to work with local war lords who opposed the taliban to get bin laden. cia officer gary burnson is on the ground, helping to lead the mission. keep pushing people forward. keep taking ground and keep working with northern alliance or other tribal units to seizer to toir and to kill the enemy. reporter: concern that a large deployment of american troops would provoke a backlash, the americans are, in effect,
we brought in specter gunships that can put a bullet on every inch of a football field. the amount of ordinance that was dropped in the area over two weeks almost defies belief. the mountains were rearranged. reporter: the radio stripped from a dead al qaeda fighter, the americans hear bill bin laden trying to rally his men. we listen to him apologizing for having led them to this trap and where they were having air strikes called on them relentlessly. reporter: with bin laden in the cross hairs, burnson wants u.s. ground forces sent in to finish the job. in the first two or three days of december i would write a message back to washington, recommending the insertion of u.s. forces on the ground. i was looking for 600 to 800