The temperature outside the paper-thin walls of Ely Long’s tent plummeted to 14 degrees before sunrise on Nov. 11. By the time the new Community Compassion Outreach Temporary Warming Center opened for.
No one is more vulnerable than a young person living on the streets, scratching out an existence while trying to form an identity from the pieces of a life shattered of security and love – a birthrigh.
Durango’s Community Relations Commission is seeking a formal apology from Durango City Council after the city published a “Happy Columbus Day” post on Facebook that ignited outrage, offense and contro.
Native American students at Fort Lewis College gathered Monday for a potluck lunch punctuated by traditional Native dishes during a day filled with events on campus to honor and celebrate Indigenous p.
Each week we highlight some of the most insightful, passionate and witty comments shared on Facebook in response to stories in The Durango Herald.
This week, people weighed in on renters’ microloans, .