Garland Elementary School had a “fair university” activity which involved Zane and Laura Wheatley’s elementary-aged girls. There were a variety of topics displayed to expose the students to new things.
Milwaukee German Immersion School
The dashboard showed 51 classroom closures at 22 additional schools. MPS spokesperson Earl Arms said some schools may have multiple classroom closures from the same single case if, for example, a student or staff member tested positive after spending time in multiple classrooms.
Most of the positive tests are coming from students. At least 52 students and 17 staff members have tested positive since the youngest grade levels started the phased return to in-person learning April 14.
Under the phasing-in plan, students in grades 4-8 were invited to return April 19, and high school seniors, along with any high school students deemed in danger of failing, were invited back April 26. Other high school students must continue virtual learning for the rest of the school year.