Having reached his 500 win milestone last month, Canterbury harness racing driver Robbie Close is now starting to head for the next 500. At Wyndham last week he drove two winners - Insarchatwist (A Rocknroll Dance) for Ricky Gutsell and Herb (Downbytheseaside) for Regan Todd. Robbie was born in South Auckland and got his start
Prominent Southland horse breeder and owner Lester Smith died on Monday after a battle with cancer. He was 71. Last month I spoke to Lester about his life in racing. For all of his adult life the retired Southland lawyer had had a keen interest in harness racing and he certainly had his share of
For all of his adult life retired Southland lawyer Lester Smith has had a keen interest in harness racing. Smith who lives in Cromwell and turns 71 at the end of this month has certainly had his share of success. As an owner he’s won two Southern Supremacy Stakes, has bred from a mare that