ARRL Board of Directors Confers Awards 02/01/2021
During its Annual Meeting on January 14 – 15, the ARRL Board of Directors announced recipients of the ARRL Knight Distinguished Service Award and 2020 Bill Leonard Social Media Award. The Board also recognized several ARRL-affiliated clubs.
ARRL Minnesota Section Manager Richard “Skip” Jackson, KSØJ, is the recipient of the ARRL Knight Distinguished Service Award. During his 16-year tenure, Jackson “has actively promoted ARRL activities in his Section, including visiting hundreds of Field Day operations over the years, represented the League at numerous hamfests, and attended countless club meetings in his state, promoting the League,” the Board’s resolution read. The Board credited Jackson’s leadership for developing “a strong working cadre of volunteers” in the Section, calling him “a model to ARRL Section Managers across the country as a strong supporter of ARRL and its activities.”