Many Christians around the world flock to Jerusalem each Easter to try and relive firsthand the events written about in the Bible on what is the most important week and day on the Christian calendar.
Many Christians around the world flock to Jerusalem each Easter to try and relive firsthand the events written about in the Bible on what is the most important week and day on the Christian calendar.
We have a secret weapon in the church called prayer. Though all other doors may remain closed, one door is always open: the door into the presence of God through prayer.
judas abruptly leaves. where is he going? you have the last supper. you have the garden of gethsemane. and it s like an endless night. while the disciples sleep, jesus spends the night in prayer. he s so anguished, so full of agony that he s sweating blood. the one i kiss will be the man. arrest him and lead him away. rabbi.