Monsieur le Ministre d’Etat,
J’ai l’honneur de renouveler à votre Excellence, mon profond
respect citoyen, et de saisir cette occasion, pour éveiller votre
ENTRETIEN. L’avocat dénonce, dans un essai stimulant, la « dérive autoritaire » de l’exécutif durant la crise sanitaire et face à la menace terroriste.
the national report from the State under review
information in the reports of independent human rights experts and groups – known as the Special Procedures – human rights treaty bodies, and other UN entities
information provided by other stakeholders including national human rights institutions, regional organizations and civil society groups
The three reports serving as the basis for the review of Niger on 3 May can be found here.
Location: Assembly Hall, Palais des Nations, Geneva [NB: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the meeting will be held using a combination of in-person and remote participation, and media representatives are encouraged to follow the proceedings on webcast].