Called remaking political history. Its an hour and a half. Hi. My name is Jaime Sanchez jr. Our panel is making the case for latino political history. A theme that is central to the idea of remaking american political history. This is not to say no one has ever thought of or written about latinos in politics in history. The conversation follows in the foot steps of many major works and scholars. But instead it is about rethinking about what political historians Pay Attention to. In an earlier panel this morning, leah asked a question about the segregation of the american political history in which there was a barrier to what organizations and individuals are labeled as political or diplomatic actors. In a similar vein, this panel seeks to shift to seeing latinos as central to the development of modern american democracy. Forged in the fire of 19th century warfare, boosted by constant mass migration throughout the 20th, latinos have been part and parcel of modern americas social fabric.