La Municipalidad informa el avance de las tareas previstas en los planes de bacheo y Santa Fe se Ilumina. Además, se suma el cronograma de castraciones para animales de compañía.
at the same time, you don t believe that s the only one. you think others should be introduced to the scene. the tool that is going to be used is side scan sonar and you can deploy it one of two ways. you can put it on an auv or you can tow it through the ocean on a towed sledder and the advantage is that they can be deployed very quickly but they have limited range. the bluefin might search something like 30 miles a day whereas a towed aray may search 100 miles a day. it s a question of scale. if the search area is going to be larger, you need more tools. if it s going to be confined to just the pinger locations, it could be small. bob, in your view, something can be learned from every investigation. this one is unprecedented.