like to say facts don t care about your feelings. here are facts. donald trump during the election campaign, gone, he retweeted a guy whose literal twitter handle was white genocide. he was endorsed by white nationalists like the kkk and david duke who he only belatedly disavowed. he appointed a white nationalist as a delegate in california. after becoming president, he appointed his chief strategist steve bannon who proudly bragged that breitbart was the platform of the alt-right. he appointed sebastian gar ka. he called nazis in charlottesville very fine people. his national economic adviser hosted a white nationalist at his birth day party last week. medi, i only have so much time. this is only an hour show. i can go on all night. here s my point, don, it doesn t matter whether mick mulvaney we can debate whether he s a white nationalist or not. the point is the white nationalists think he s a white nationalist. so, scott, you just heard
how many times do i have to say this, do we have to say this? it can t be good, seriously, when you re trying to convince the world that the president is not a white supremacist. i know you disagree with him on this. i do disgray. it s a pretty big thing to say. on the other hand, they also like to say facts don t care about your feelings. here are facts. donald trump during the election campaign, gone, he retweeted a guy whose literal twitter handle was white genocide. he was endorsed by white nationalists like the kkk and david duke who he only belatedly disavowed. he appointed a white nationalist as a delegate in california. after becoming president, he appointed his chief strategist steve bannon who proudly bragged that breitbart was the platform of the alt-right. he appointed sebastian gar ka. he called nazis in charlottesville very fine people. his national economic adviser hosted a white nationalist at