The 60-year-old former Samajwadi Party MLA, who faces more than 100 cases in Uttar Pradesh, was taken from the Sabarmati Central Jail in Ahmedabad to a prison in Prayagraj, more than 1000 kms away, by road in connection with the Umesh Pal murder case.
Every time gangster-turned-politician Atiq Ahmed has a court hearing, the UP government ends up spending about Rs 10 lakh on bringing him to Prayagraj and taking him back to Gujarat's Sabarmati Jail. Thirty-seven policemen are involved and Rs 3 lakh is spent on fuel.
Ahead of the hearing in the Umesh Pal kidnapping case in MP-MLA court of Uttar Pradesh's Prayagraj on Tuesday, security was deployed outside his residence. Security has also been deployed outside the residence of his advocate.