The Tamil Nadu State Department of Archaeology (TNSDA) which has commenced the second phase of excavation at Gangaikonda Cholapuram, is expected to unearth the palace of Rajendra Chola, the great Chola king.The second phase of the excavation at .
The Tamil Nadu State Department of Archaeology (TNSDA) which has commenced the second phase of excavation at Gangaikonda Cholapuram, is expected to unearth the palace of Rajendra Chola, the great Chola king.
Excavations Near Erstwhile Chola Capital Unearth Coins, Walls And Chinese Celadon Ware
by Swarajya Staff - Apr 22, 2021 01:16 PM
Maligaimedu site.
The excavations at the Maligaimedu site, close to Gangaikonda Cholpauram, has led to the discovery of interesting archaeological remains.
Interesting remains of the erstwhile Chola capital have been excavated by Tamil Nadu Department of Archaeology.
In less than two months since the excavations began at the site at Maligaimedu, which is close to Gangaikonda Cholpauram, the capital city of Rajendra Chola I, the department has recovered 13 coarse brick walls, a copper coin, some potshers and iron pieces, said this report.