WB’s Ganga Sagar gets ready for mela: While the Kapil Muni ashram has been lit up, the vicinity has proper roads, electricity, accommodation facility and water
A sunken Bangladeshi cargo ship has resurfaced in the Ganges delta, threatening the Gangasagar Mela religious festival and causing siltation in the Muriganga river. The ship, which sank during the pandemic-induced lockdown in 2020, has created a riverine island that is blocking the waterway for boats ferrying pilgrims. Experts warn that if the ship is not removed, the river will become choked with silt, affecting its flow and navigation. Efforts are underway to create alternate channels for the festival, but the ship s removal may not be possible before the event. | Latest News India
The month of Paush will start on December 27, 2023, as per the Hindu calendar. Here s a deeper look into the religious and cultural significance of this month.
SAGAR: A kilometre-long silver beach, with fascinating patterns, that used to be drawn by sand bubbler crabs, has been wiped out of the Gangasagar isl.