they re going to be housed, fed, given jobs and everything else, i mean, they can t even handle it with customs and border control. what do you think s going to happen within our communities? where do these people go, live and work in. you re going to see homeless, the homeless population increase. you re going to see more people that are having to take government entitlement programs. and then you re going to have states like new mexico that are taking programs like our covid relief, cares act dollars, and putting them into free programs for illegal aliens while ignoring folks like veterans who have really worked for it. the country cannot afford it. what we have seen in the last 15 months under this administration is outrageous spending and really no clue how we re going to be able to pay back those dollars. but it s enriching drug smugglers, cartels and gang members x it s at the expense of of the working american people. jason: yeah. i think you make a very, very good point that