walking around yesterday in waiverly, just the things you see on the ground. i saw a record album broke in half. personal pictures, cell phones, keyboards, gaming consoles a statute of jesus. everything from people s houses just taken from those houses and washed right through the town. devastating. remanence of their lives. and you, as a storm spotter, you ve seen a lot of storm damage. is this one of the worst flooding events you ve ever seen? hands down this is the worst flooding event i ve seen. i was at hurricane laura and a few hurricanes lately and tornados. we had a bad tornado outbreak in north alabama and central alabama back in 2011. we went through that. some of this damage looks like that with cars flipped over on top of each other, really bad. i was not there when the water came through, luckily, saturday morning. i got there shortly as the water was coming down. i could only imagine what those folks went through especially