Investegate announcements from Media and Games Invest plc, Media and Games Invest; upgrade to the MSCI Germany Small Cap Index and completion of conversion from PLC to SE
Original-Research: Media and Games Invest plc (von GBC AG):
vom 27.01.2021, 10:31 Uhr
Einstufung von GBC AG zu Media and Games Invest plc
Unternehmen: Media and Games Invest plc
ISIN: MT0000580101
Letzte Ratingänderung:
26/01/2021 - GBC Management Interview with Paul Echt, CFO of Media and
Games Invest Group
continue to grow beyond that.
Media and Games Invest (MGI) is a fast and profitable growing digital media
and games company. The company combines organic growth with targeted value-
creating acquisitions. The MGI Group has successfully acquired over 30
companies and assets in the past six years. MGI is one of the few leading
Original-Research: Media and Games Invest plc (von GBC AG):
Original-Research: Media and Games Invest plc - von GBC AG
Einstufung von GBC AG zu Media and Games Invest plc
Unternehmen: Media and Games Invest plc
ISIN: MT0000580101
Anlass der Studie: Management Interview
Letzte Ratingänderung:
Analyst: Marcel Goldmann, Cosmin Filker
26/01/2021 - GBC Management Interview with Paul Echt, CFO of Media and
Games Invest Group We clearly want to reach the billion market capitalisation here and
continue to grow beyond that.
Media and Games Invest (MGI) is a fast and profitable growing digital media
and games company. The company combines organic growth with targeted valuecreating
DJ Media and Games Invest: plans to relocate the company's registered office to Luxembourg and announces new game-launches for the coming quarters MGI plans to relocate the company's
Investegate announcements from Media and Games Invest plc, plans to relocate the company s registered office to Luxembourg and announces new game-launches for the coming quarters