atlanta today speaking at a service at ebenezer baptist church where doctor martin luther king jr. once preached. lucas is live at the white house. democrats admit that this is not a good look right now for the white house. republicans itching to get their hands on those visitor logs. it is an embarrassment no doubt about it. is there more to it? i doubt it but we will find out more as he goes about his business. special counsel was called forget hours after we still at the presidents personal attorneys who have no personal security clearance still rummaging around the president s residence looking for things. that will be a crime scene. last week reporters at the white house have been pushing for answers. do you acknowledge that the fact that the white house did not reveal this to the public despite the fact that you have known about it for months undercuts the presidents promise of being transparent later. they were transparent. okay. i am saying to you. what
education, that s a big thing and we are throwing money everywhere else. prices and gas and food, export, import. equal opportunity housing, affordable rent. all the crime, drugs coming in to the country. a major issue in the current administration blows over it. used to be a democrat all my life. now i changed over to be republican. the emphasis everybody has on we should be happy and get what we want is crazy so the legislation is so biased toward people who complain about stuff and think they deserve something when really it s the whole country that needs something and it s ridiculous a few special interest groups can come make a fuss. i m looking for expanded healthcare access for everybody. allowing a generation of people to have disposable income that allows them to live and get back to the economy. roe v. wade and women s rights and no offense, i love a lot of men but women have a different game in life. thousands of issues out th there, get legisla
education, that s a big thing and we are throwing money everywhere else. prices and gas and food, export, import. equal opportunity housing, affordable rent. all the crime, drugs coming in to the country. a major issue in the current administration blows over it. used to be a democrat all my life. now i changed over to be republican. the emphasis everybody has on we should be happy and get what we want is crazy so the legislation is so biased toward people who complain about stuff and think they deserve something when really it s the whole country that needs something and it s ridiculous a few special interest groups can come make a fuss. i m looking for expanded healthcare access for everybody. allowing a generation of people to have disposable income that allows them to live and get back to the economy. roe v. wade and women s rights and no offense, i love a lot of men but women have a different game in life. thousands of issues out the there, get legisl
education, that s a big thing and we are throwing money everywhere else. prices and gas and food, export, import. equal opportunity housing, affordable rent. all the crime, drugs coming in to the country. a major issue in the current administration blows over it. used to be a democrat all my life. now i changed over to be republican. the emphasis everybody has on we should be happy and get what we want is crazy so the legislation is so biased toward people who complain about stuff and think they deserve something when really it s the whole country that needs something and it s ridiculous a few special interest groups can come make a fuss. i m looking for expanded healthcare access for everybody. allowing a generation of people to have disposable income that allows them to live and get back to the economy. roe v. wade and women s rights and no offense, i love a lot of men but women have a different game in life. thousands of issues out the there, get legisl
seoul air. was there somebody else who stood to gain? investigators would discover a clue. by far the most important piece of evidence that was in the case. that would reveal a mind-blowing betrayal. somebody with a sick mind, that s all i know. welcome to dateline. it was a hobby that turned into a passion, collecting. and they were good at. amassing a fortune that they kept right there in their home and it is also where their bodies were found and the question was obvious who stood to gain? with the answer to who killed him be that simple? here is dennis murphy with the collector. if you travels take you to the ozarks in southwestern missouri, that splendid lake country, you maybe have passed or trout fishing on the mind. or perhaps you are heady to catch the stage shows. but there was no to a guy that would have directed you to this modest home in springfield missouri and that is a shame, because it was an old curiosity shot that was well worth seeing. floor