in the show. 1992 was the year of the woman, 2022 might go down as the year of the woman, across the cultural landscape it suddenly became impossible to say just what is or who is a woman that battle over what once was a commonly accepted definition rages on into the new year as i will show you in a moment. the issue that hit the culture heart in march when even as e-mail soon to be a supreme court justice say for sure what a woman is. can you provide a definition for the word woman? i can t. you can t? not in this context. you don t need a biologist t figure this out, even children know what a woman is, take a ki to toy story, the little girl was that i want the girl dulled the little boy will say i want the boy doll, and a few will be drawn to this, but this is another story, don t distract meet the definition of women or women continues to evolve in very odd ways, there was a time when the dictionary could settl this for us and give it a definitive answer this
right issue. we have women that we work with it say this is ridiculous we shouldn t have biological men stealing our spots when it come to teams, they shouldn t be taken women s physicians when i comes to educational facilities they shouldn t be threatening women in prisons which is obviously happening every day. this is a big problem but we ca make progress. time encourage. amount of time, thank you, happy new year and we will keep an eye on the story as biden vacations in st. croix the knives are coming back for stateside, despite all of this bipartisan accomplishment we keep hearing about, his approva stands at just 43.4 percent and there is trouble brewing on biden s left flank, they are taking to the airwaves. i m concerned with his low polling. has low popularity is too much of a gamble pair. if he runs, the election is at serious risk. representing the status quo