The Galvin Middle School in Canton took a major step toward a new or renovated facility after it was accepted into the Massachusetts School Building Authority s (MSBA) Core Program.
By Colin A. Young
State House News Service
Gov. Charlie Baker used a Canton school setting to Friday to announce an infusion of funds for summer education programs to help make up for the loss of schooling during the pandemic.
After more than a year of non-traditional schooling that many teachers, parents and experts fear has set students back academically and socially, students across Massachusetts will have an opportunity this summer to take part in enhanced and expanded summer school and recreational programs that will aim to bring kids back up to speed, Baker said at Galvin Middle School in Canton.
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NEW: GALVIN’S LEANING TOWARD ANOTHER TERM Will he or won’t he? Secretary of State Bill Galvin hasn’t decided whether he’ll seek another term. He’s leaning toward a run, he said yesterday, but he could change his mind.
Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker on Friday is slated to announce $70 million for summer learning programs to help students catch up after more than a year of educational disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Baker will make the announcement about summer learning at an 8:30 a.m. press conference at Canton’s Galvin Middle School, where school officials are planning to boost learning .
Gov. Charlie Baker on Friday announced that Massachusetts will spend $70 million on summer learning programs to help students who have been impacted by a year of remote and hybrid learning.