All City of Galion offices will be closed on Monday, May 31 in observance of Memorial Day.
Nature Center closed Memorial Day
The Lowe-Volk Park Nature Center will be closed on Monday, May 31, in observance of Memorial Day. All parks managed by the Crawford Park District are open daily from sunrise to sunset. For more information about the Crawford Park District and the programs that we offer, visit the website at or contact the Park District office at 419-683-9000.
Memorial Day parade May 31
The Galion Memorial Day parade is scheduled for 10 a.m. on May 31. The parade will step off from the American Legion on South Market Street and end at Fairview Cemetery. Col. William Suver, U.S. Army retired, will be the keynote speaker for the ceremony at Fairview Cemetery. Ohio Army National Guard member Pvt. Drake Garrett is the grand marshal for the parade. Dinner will be served at the American Legion on South Market Street following the parade and
Finance Committee meets May 19The Galion City Council Finance Committee will meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 19. This meeting will be conducted in person
Civil Service Commission meeting
The Galion Civil Service Commission will hold a special meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 3, 2021 to certify scores for Patrol Officer and also to discuss holding an MEO 1 exam. The meeting will be held at City Hall.
Park District special meeting
The Crawford Park District Board of Park Commissioners will be holding a special meeting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, May 4. The meeting is to discuss financial matters within the Crawford Park District budget. The meeting will take place at the Lowe-Volk Park Nature Center, 2401 State Route 598, Crestline. For more information, contact the Park District Office at 419-683-9000.
Revival services April 11-18 at Ark Church The Ark Church in Galion will host revival services from Sunday, April 11 through Sunday, April 18. Evangelists
St. Paul UMC food pantry March 20
The St. Paul United Methodist Church drive-thru food pantry is scheduled for Saturday, March 20 from 9 to 11 a.m. The church is located at 746 Cherry Street, Galion. People attending are asked to wear a face mask.
Mobile food pantry March 31
The Second Harvest Food Bank of North Central Ohio mobile food pantry returns to Galion on Wednesday, March 31. The pantry will be set up at Galion Middle School, 470 Portland Way North. Registration is required. To register, go to and type in your zip code to find pantry events. For information, contact Family Engagement Coordinator Violeta Chinni at 419-468-3134, ext. 13549.