The District 205 Board of Education approved the proposed fiscal year 2023 budget at Monday night's meeting which saw funds staying relatively equal to where they were by the end of the last fiscal year. The biggest fund drop is expected to come in the education fund of over three million dollars. But, with that drop representing just ten percent of the total fund amount at the end of FY22, it's not breaking the bank for the district. Assistant Superintendent of Finance Jennifer Hamm told the board the biggest expected change in the budget is in transportation. "I will say that transportation, most likely, will be amended and we will not end up with a fund balance of four-million dollars," Hamm told the board Monday. "Just because all of our transportation costs are coming in even higher than projected. We do a lot of contracting of coach services. We're having difficulty finding those. So, those costs have come in quite a bit more." She added that th
High school students had to remote learn from the beginning of the school year until Sept. 20, as construction crews worked on the renovation's first phase.