U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Nasdaq Composite gaining more than 100 points on Tuesday. The Dow traded up 0.28% to 35,510.96 while the NASDAQ rose 0.91% to 14,187.05. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.48% to 4,576.60.
U.S. stocks traded higher midway through trading, with the Dow Jones gaining more than 50 points on Tuesday. The Dow traded up 0.16% to 35,468.65 while the NASDAQ rose 0.60% to 14,142.63. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.27% to 4,566.98.
U.S. stocks traded higher toward the end of trading, with the Dow Jones gaining around 175 points on Monday. The Dow traded up 0.50% to 35,404.68 while the NASDAQ rose 0.07% to 14,043.11. The S&P 500, also rose, gaining, 0.33% to 4,551.17.