Times Past: March 5, 2021
Published: 3/4/2021 1:40:15 PM
Modified: 3/4/2021 1:40:12 PM
Steven J. Caisse has been named Athol Daily News Circulation Manager. He comes to the Daily News from the Clinton Daily Item where he managed the circulation department. He started in circulation at the Daily News, working from 1984-1987.
■Curt Rand, director of community service for the Athol-Orange Area Rotary Club, recently presented citations recognizing two local organizations for service to family and community. Rand cited the child abuse prevention services provided by Valuing Our Children and the values-oriented sports programs sponsored by the Athol Area YMCA.
■Kindergarten children at Sanders Street School meet weekly with third-grade buddies. They read aloud and do related projects together.
Times Past: Week of Feb. 2, 2021
Published: 2/7/2021 2:51:34 PM
Modified: 2/7/2021 2:51:33 PM
The Athol Daily News has announced the appointment of Daniel M. Mahoney as advertising manager, replacing Bernard R. Cunningham who, after 45 years in the advertising business, has announced his retirement.
■At a recent meeting, Debra Vescovi, campaign chairman of the 1995-96 Athol Area United Way campaign, announced that the drive is approximately $15,000 short of the $160,000 goal.
■Corey Robertson and Shawna Farley, seniors at Athol High School, painted a mural in the hall of Our Lady Immaculate Center recently.
■Students in Sally Stone’s sixth-grade class at Riverbend School were recently hooked by satellite to the New England Aquarium in Boston. Students were able to make a direct link to aquarium biologist Paul Erickson and asked a question regarding shellfish. As the children watched the live presentation on TV, they were able to interact with hundreds of other st