Samsung has inadvertently confirmed the Bespoke Edition colour options in which it will soon sell the Galaxy Z Flip4. To be offered alongside the smartphone s general retail colourways, the Bespoke Edition versions will be available with three frame colours, plus five options for the Galaxy Z Flip4 s front and back panels.
The notorious leaker Evan Blass has posted an image that may or may not confirm the date on which Samsung will hold its next Galaxy Unpacked 2022 event. The launch is thought to headline the OEM s latest premium foldable Galaxy Z Fold- and Flip-series Android devices, which might be borne out by a silhouette in the poster that might conform to one of them.
According to reports, Samsung plans to continue with the Bespoke Edition programme for the Galaxy Z Flip4 series. Allegedly, Samsung will also offer several colour combinations, plus four standard colours.
Hands-on pictures of the Galaxy Z Flip4 and its two batteries have leaked online. While the Galaxy Z Flip4 will look an awful lot like the Galaxy Z Flip3, it will match the Galaxy S22 with regards to battery capacity. In other words, the Galaxy Z Flip4 will have 400 mAh more battery capacity at its disposal than the Galaxy Z Flip3.
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip4 Android smartphone. Not announced yet. Features 6.7″ display, Snapdragon 8 Gen 1+ chipset, 3700 mAh battery, 256 GB storage, 8 GB RAM.