India's leading consumer electronics brand, Samsung, commences the roll out of Galaxy AI features on more flagship devices from today. The update brings the standard of mobile AI experience in line with the recently launched Galaxy S24 series.
MOBILES & TABLETS News: Samsung has officially announced that the One UI 6.1 update, which brings new AI features to Galaxy devices, will begin rolling out globally on March 28.
With its new batch of flagship smartphones, the Galaxy S24, Samsung introduced a whole suite of AI features dubbed Galaxy AI. These new AI-powered tools will definitely be a huge selling point for the Galaxy S24s, but that does not mean these features will remain limited to these new smartphones. Why should Galaxy S24s have all the AI, right? Samsung will be bringing the Galaxy AI to its older flagships, not that old, though, and it is going to take some time.
Apple continued to lead the smartphone industry’s premium segment in 2023, but saw its global share decline mainly because of Huawei’s strong 5G handset market comeback with its Mate 60 series.