Earlier today, senator sherrod brown, want to be ron wyden and carper came to the floor to speak of the usmexico trade agreement. The senate is expected to hold a final vote on the u. S. Mca trade deal tomorrow. Tomorrow i will do something ive never done in my time in the house. Ir will vote for a trade agreement the first time in my career and im voting for that because of the work that my colleague from oregon senator wyden and i did to fix president of trumps deal to secure new protections for American Workers for the First Time Ever in spite of the president s intransigence and winding up with with corporate interests because the trade agreement for the First Time Ever put workers at the center of the agreement. South korea and japan wont one after another permanent trade relations with china every one of these trade agreements and actions were written in the house again Free Trade Agreement because yes all of these were written by corporations to maximize fits camp compensation t
The center of this agreement but every trade agreement that ive seen in my timey in Congress North American Free trade agreement central American Free trade agreement trade agreement with Columbia South korea and kenema one after another permanent trade relations with china. Everyone of these tradese actios were written fundamentally in secret by corporate interests to serve corporate interests. Workers were never at the center of these trade agreement. One of my votes in the house was against the north American Free trade agreement. I votedtt no for sense because these trade agreements were written by corporations maximize profitspe and to enrich stockholders always at the expense of workers. Communities like mansfield ohio and portsmouth ohio in toledo and youngstown. I was talking to a friend of mine and she knows former senator cafaro knows whats happening with these trade agreements. We all know how they undermines communities and always again because these trade agreements were r