BSESENSEX lost 298.22 points or 0.48 per cent to close at 61,729.68 points while NIFTY lost 111.40 points or 0.61 per cent to close at 18,203.40 points. The markets saw the broader indices like the BSE100, BSE200 and BSE500 lose 0.59 per cent, 0.58 per cent and 0.48 per cent respectively. BSEMIDCAP lost 0.19 per cent while BSESMALLCAP gained 0.44 per cent. Markets lost on three of the five trading sessions and gained on two sessions.The
BSESENSEX lost 298.22 points or 0.48 per cent to close at 61,729.68 points while NIFTY lost 111.40 points or 0.61 per cent to close at 18,203.40 points. The markets saw the broader indices like the BSE100, BSE200 and BSE500 lose 0.59 per cent, 0.58 per cent and 0.48 per cent respectively. BSEMIDCAP lost 0.19 per cent while BSESMALLCAP gained 0.44 per cent. Markets lost on three of the five trading sessions and gained on two sessions.The
BSESENSEX gained 973.61 points or 1.59 per cent to close at 62,027.90 points. NIFTY gained 245.80 points or 1.36 per cent to close at 18,314.80 points. The broader markets saw BSE100, BSE200 and BSE500 gain 1.52 per cent, 1.36 per cent and 1.30 per cent respectively. BSEMIDCAP gained 1.35 per cent while BSESMALLCAP was up 1.14 per cent.The