Construction crews are still repairing County Road 378 after a washout left dozens of residents stranded on Dec. 22. But the county doesn't know when it will be complete.
Double-lung transplant recipient Gail Rhodes and her husband Robert recently celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary and the Prince George couple has many more to look forward to now that Gail is able to breathe on her own again with the gift of her donated lungs. - Citizen photo by Ted Clarke
Doctors in Edmonton took a photograph of Gail Rhodes diseased left lung after it was replaced by a donor lung in a 5 1/2-hour operation. The brownish tissue reveals the scarring of the disease indopathic pulmonary fibrosis which necessitated her double-lung transplant in October. - Handout photo
Gail Rhodes visits with her daughter Georgina after her lung transplant surgery at University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton.
Gail Rhodes got the call that a suitable donor had been found to give her a lung transplant andwas asked how long it would take for her to get to Prince George Airport. Considering she can almost. . .