Simpkins was not lawfully allowed to have that firearm nor was his life threatened. Assuming that one is bullied, it does not give you a right to shoot someone.
THE FOUNDATION "The greatest good we can do our country is to heal its party divisions and make them one people." Thomas Jefferson (1801) IN TODAY'S DIGEST Leftist Haters Respond to Rittenhouse Leftist Cities Hit by Crime Spree.
"It's time to see people's humanity and people's non-humanity,” said Madeline, a Minneapolis resident. “He had no humanity when he came in with his AR-15 and shot people."
"It's time to see people's humanity and people's non-humanity,” said Madeline, a Minneapolis resident. “He had no humanity when he came in with his AR-15 and shot people."
"It's time to see people's humanity and people's non-humanity,” said Madeline, a Minneapolis resident. “He had no humanity when he came in with his AR-15 and shot people."