(v(vo) this i is sadie, s she s on vev. the netwtwork she cacan count . matching y your job descriptio. and nonow she s s got myplanan, the gagame-changining new planat letsts her pick k exactly whwhe wants and d save on evevery pe. sadie e is gettingng her plan ny fofor a big trtrip. travelel pass, on.n. nicece iphone. c cute couple. tripips don t lalast forever, neitither does s summer love. so, , sadie is m moving on. . e music, cheheck! intrtroducing mymyplan. the first t and only u unlimid plan t to give youou exactly what you w want, so y you only papay for whatau neneed. act t now and geget iphone 1 1o max on u us when youou switch. it s your vererizon. (v(vo) whenen you live e with moderero severe crorohn s didisease or ulceratative colititis, youry can bebe full of r reminders of y your conditition. neverr knowining. always s wonderin. you wereren t madede for uc r crohn n s, but t gut focusesed entyvio o. entyvio woworks at thehe site oe problelem to blockck certrtain inflama
cosesentyx helpsps real people getet real relilief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psosoriasis. seririous allergrgic reactios and an i increased r risk of infectitions or lowowered abability to f fight them may o occur. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoue an infecection or sysymptoms, hahad a vaccinine or plan no or if ibd d symptoms develolop or worsesen. i moveve so much b better because ofof cosentyx.x. ask your r rheumatologogist ababout cosentntyx. (vo) ththis is sadidie, she s on ver. the networork she can n count . and now w she has mymyplan, the gagame-changining new pln that letets her get t exactly t she e wants and saveve on every y perk. sadie is m moving to t the big y and mamaking moveses on her pl, totoo. apple e one, on. now she e s got plplenty of entertainmnment for the whwhole ride.. finanally there!e! hot spot,t. and shshe s fulllly connected beforere her interernet is evn inststalled. (sadie)) hi, mom!m! (mom)) how s s the apartmtment? (vo)o) intrododucing m