Gaddar’s popular songs told stories of the state’s exploitation of marginalised communities, and played a key role in the Telangana statehood agitation and the Maoist movement in the region.
Not just in the English-speaking world, the Indian diaspora has become significant across continents. It is also important for optics and image-building ahead of the 2024 Lok Sabha polls
A majority of the parties that mushroom during elections tend to bask in reflected glory with names that sound suspiciously similar to established political parties
There is something in Uttar Pradesh that happens during elections before and after new political parties are born at an alarming rate.A majority of the parties that mushroom during elections tend to bask in reflected glory with names that .
A majority of the parties that mushroom during elections tend to bask in reflected glory with names that sound suspiciously similar to established political parties.Thes