blind. deaf. inattentive, without notice. you re not supposed to go through a dictionary trying to belittle people. fools do that kind of stuff. so i said, can you not call me that word, fool? you feel me? call me that again, they ll be problems. i ll call you what i want. from there it just i will to stop talking. if i d have said more, it would have escalated it. i guess he felt i was stresses him out. i m going through, [ bleep ], i m going to try to kill you, period. you lock two people in a room like this and especially when you lock them down and don t allow them out for showers and phone calls, what happens is, they start taking out their frustrations on each other. so before i subject myself to that, any further a bam. i just take myself out of the situation. gadlin will soon transfer to prison to begin his 964 year to life sentence under california s three strike law, while wallace
gadlin uses his wall space to do the math behind his devastating sentence. i was curious. our the years, how many days do i have to count down, because i got a calendar and i mark off my days how long i ve been down to keep track. that made me wonder. damn, how many days would i have to check down until i bounce back, until i get back? came out to 352,955 days. man, i m so much i m a good person. i don t deserve that right there. i don t deserve none of that. not none of that [ bleep ], man. i made [ bleep ] mistakes in my life, decisions and choices i made, but they gave me 967 years. hell when baseball players, they make three mistakes, they strike out, they go back to the end of the line. they get to come right back up. another chance. gadlin will soon transfer to prison with the knowledge he will never leave. 17 years earlier, jiles wallace had to confront the same reality
gregory gadlin admits he takes part in what inmates call toilet talk, but says he never floods his cell. either way, all of that seems trivial now that he s been sentenced to 967 years to life for a spree of 16 robberies and prior felonies convictions under california s three strikes law. i just i just don t feel it s fair. how the hell can one live out that long being incarcerated? how does that seem fair? does that even sound fair? as gadlin awaits his transfer to prison he s just gone through another transition. he was placed into a new cell with a new cellmate. jiles wallace. yo! i got a good cellie. feel like i know him. we got a little history together. so it s not like i came over here with a straight jackass because he s a cool dude, older,
no matter what it is. gad lin has recently been convicted on 16 counts of second-degree robbery. part of a crime spree that spanned three months. authorities say in one of the holdups he shot and the badly wound add store clerk. gadlin has yet to be sentenced. as a three-strike convict, face a minimum of 25 years to life. the judge basically deemed me unfit for society. told me i was a career criminal. reporter: gadlin denies taking part of the robbery that led to his third strike but admits to prior robberies. it gave me a sense of power, like i m in control of everything. i took on that role. i m playing god, because i got a gun. give me everything. this little time that i ve been down now, i dedicated to, like, soul searching, starting from the beginning and changing everything, like, the way i live. the way i talk. the way i carry myself. everything.
serious? yes, that serious. gadlin s cellmate was jiles wallace. i would hope that he learned to restrain hisself a little more, because in prison it s a little worse. restriction is part of life. learn how to restrict your emotions and restrain them because if you don t, you know, that s why i m in prison. that s why people get locked up, because they didn t restrain or restrict themselves. while they initially got along, both men acknowledged they liked to debate, and apparently the debates began to wear on gadlin. he don t have no understanding at all. it s his way or nothing. but like, i would just reflect, like, damn, ain t you talking your feel me trying to change and all this and you glorifying, this, oh, negative fast lifestyle? you feel me? like that s like being a hypocrite. you feel me? and then i give it to, the