to get you away from the front of the building. police say about 200 people attended that event. one reporter who was inside the building covering it ended up catching the tense moments just after police killed the gunmen. gabrielle 6 gabrielle rojas has that. reporter: wrapping up. all about to leave. i was a few feet from the door when people were rushed back inside. followed by police officers. we were told no one would be allowed to leave. police and security they held everyone in the main exhibit hall with the drawings of prophet muhammad from the art contest were displayed. swat team members told the crowd there was a shooting an officer was down with two suspects there could be explosives outside. the mood inside was still relatively calm at that point. people were just trying to figure out exactly what happened. officers moved the crowd from the main hall in the arena space and asked everyone to sit in the stands. at that point the people attending the event started reading