Along a northeastern stretch of the Brazilian Amazon, a palm oil war has broken out. Escalating violence triggered by land disputes between palm oil companies, on one side, and Indigenous and traditional communities on the other has intensified in recent months in this region that accounts for most of the country’s palm oil production […]
We're calling on international companies that purchase palm oil from Agropalma and BBF to urgently prevent any further harms to members of the Pará community.
2 Min Read
LONDON (Reuters) - Residents of Maceio have filed a lawsuit in a Dutch court against Brazilian petrochemicals company Braskem SA over cracks and sinking ground near salt mines in the Brazilian city, their legal representatives said on Monday.
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The case is the latest attempt by local communities to seek compensation from large commodities companies in European courts after the UK Supreme Court on Friday allowed Nigerian residents to sue Royal Dutch Shell (RDS) in England over years of oil spills.
“This is, sadly, yet another case of a giant corporation that is more than happy to exploit the natural riches of an area but has had little consideration for those who live in it,” Gabriella Bianchini, partner at global law firm PGMBM, said in a statement