to try to knock trump out of the race are counter productive. they backfire. as you know he feeds on grievance just like a fire feeds on oxygen. and this is going to end up as a grievance that helps him. did colorado just hand donald trump a political gift by barring him from the ballot? why some say the effort to rue the former president could actually help his campaign. plus how president biden is responding. this as nbc news has learned the colorado supreme court justices who ruled in the case are now facing a flood of threats after their historic decision. also ahead, we ll bring you the latest out of the israel-hamas war as israel defense forces uncover hamas extensive tunnel network in gaza city. and the blunt warning from chinese president xi jinping to president biden about beijing s intentions with taiwan. all right, good morning. welcome to way too early on this thursday, december 21st. i am not jonathan lemire. i m sam stein in for jonathan lemire. now, th
married up, dude. i sure did. thanks to you at home for joining me this hour. in the year 2000 george bush became the first president in more than 100 years to win the presidency and lose the popular vote. in 2016 donald trump became the second. now, what made both of those victories even possible at the expense of the popular vote was the electoral college. but in 2000 it wasn t just the electoral college. it was also the supreme court. the 2000 election came down to the state of florida, the margin between al gore and george bush was 537 votes, a number that remains staggering to this day. and even though al gore had won the popular vote by more than half a million votes, whether those 537 votes in florida did or did not get counted would decide the race. and after a flurry of legal challenges and appeals, that decision ended up in the hands of the supreme court. the supreme court hasn t been asked to decide the election, but their decision just might do just that.
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Vasárnap elkezdődtek az úszódöntők is, mindjárt két magyar érdekeltséggel, hiszen női 400 méteres vegyes úszásban a címvédő Hosszú Katinka is ott volt a mezőnyben, mellette pedig Mihályvári-Farkas Viktória is bejutott a fináléba, míg ugyanebben a számban a férfiaknál a korábbi Európa-bajnok és világbajnoki ezüstérmes Verrasztó Dávidnak szurkolhattunk. Utóbbi végül negyedik, Hosszú ötödik, Mihályvári-Farkas pedig hatodik lett.
Hosszú Katinka a szombati előfutamban (Fotó: Tumbász Hédi)