Two accused persons including a former Botswana Housing Cooperation (BHC) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Mootiemang Reginald Motswaiso have been charged with selling BHC institutional house to Silver Shadows (Pty) Ltd, a company owned by former Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS), Director General Isaac Kgosi.
Statistic Botswana, government’s agency charged with the responsibilities of collecting and disseminating official statistics in Botswana, has resolved to postpone Population and Housing census to 2022 due to disruptions occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic.
The United Nations Committee on Human Rights has taken Botswana to task over what it considers to be discrimination laws against lesbians and gays and delay in prosecuting suspects in the infamous Sebina defilement case. The Botswana delegation led by Presidential Minister Kabo Morwaeng found itself against the wall before the United Nations Human Rights Committee of experts in Geneva, Switzerland.