From Gabe Bellebuono’s job as an onshore and offshore wind tech to the young sailor Landon Cormie, to Dr. Charles Silberstein’s take on writer’s block, we took a deep dive into our Island community, met some interesting people, and visited interesting places. Early in the year, Ray Whitaker wrote about ketamine therapy, and […]
Officials with Vineyard Wind say that construction could begin within weeks onsite of the planned 62-turbine offshore wind farm. CEO Klaus Moeller said in a press conference Monday that the construction is weather-dependent, so he didn’t want to give an exact date, but confirmed it would be within weeks, and not months. The wind farm, […]
To the Editor: I was so pleased to see the lively article about Gabe Bellebuono’s love of his new position as a GE wind technician (“High energy,” Jan. 4). It’s great that The MV Times is covering the evolution of the industry, and a Vineyarder’s role in bringing green energy to the Island. As chair […]
It’s a little after 7 am the sun has just peeked over the horizon when Islander Gabe Bellebuono clips into his fall protection rig and begins to climb. Over the past year or so, Bellebuono has had innumerable adventures, not the least of which is being hired as a wind technician for GE. […]