exactly breaking news. it s standard operating procedure. and yes.t tulsi gabbard won tha primary and then the seatse the democratic national part y took a deep interest in her. and you can see why he was a smart, appealing thirty one year old who knew what she believed and could shplain fluently. and by the way, she was also an iraq war veteran. tulsn political terms, tulsi gabbard was near perfect and they got it immediately. barack obama endorsed her right away. nancy pelosi called herled he personally and invited tulsi gabbard. did you remember this to speak on the opening night ofc the democratic national convention and then when she was sworn into congress in january , the dnc named tulsitha abbott, vice chair otif the national party. she just got in there thd she was vice chair of the dnc. and then, of course, the mediaay played its prescribed role. if nancy pelosi likes you also, do they so fawning profile, fawning profile emerged if you the timprofeelgton at ,you
the market? know these? undeknow, we had to really move at the speed of science to really understand what market. is taking place in the market or the of science. that s the speed at which mo you re moving too fast. do sciee and you just sort of hope fo you do science and you just sort of hope for the best and yell at anyone who disagrees with your preferred and hoped for outcome. ro the speed of science, rubirosab ro, the man you just c on him on tape. he s a conservative member of the european parliament. ropean parfrom the netherlands.h and we are grateful to have him on tonight. rob , thanksanks so much for cog on . did you know the answer to that? did tha question when you asked it? and were you shocked by what she said? d what swell, good evening, tuc. it really was a special moment. for the first time, pfizer admitted that the vaccine was not testedmitted on stopping the transmission of the virus. tsted on st this it entered the market. and this has massive implications. governm
the u.s. military, was an elected member of congress, d wh decided why shouldn t i sayi thn what i think?at s and so she did.g that and for doing that, overnigh overnight, her fellow democrats accused tulsi gabbard, the combat veteran you d want in hand you your foxhole, of co treason against the country. shleing treae was serving. hillary clinton went evenn we farther than that. speaking onf conspiracy nuts, hillary clinton way crazier than alex jones ever thought of being. imed she claimed the russians were te grooming tulsi gabbard as somed. kind of manchurian candidate. you want to listen to lunacy,t o listen listen to this.y i m not making any predictions, but i think they vi e got their eyerat of on somebody who s currently inrg the democratic primary sh and grooming her to be the third party candidate. she s a favorite of the russians. e ruwell, that s just completely whacked. was she a crisis actor, too? what a lunatic. but no one noticed becausee everyone was saying the
your memory. watch out for the next superstar. there we go . talking about golfer. e wego tulsi gabbard. tulsi gabbard is a rising star in this party. i tulsi gabbarn d should be hereib tonight. the reality is we doar notould h enough young veterans in this party, enough young women in this party, enough people in this party.dered you re considered a rising star in the democratic party. you had a position in of leadership in the democratic national committee. tulsi story is really, i think, tailor made for hollywood.e fo i half expect natalie portman to be vying for the role any ro. day now because this story story is not to be believed. tuls ii abati is going to be the one to watch tonight at the dnc and tulsi gabbard, she s an iraq war veteran.r yesterday, she was promoten. d from captain to major inshe the hawaii national guard, and she certainly is a rising star. the factisstar. that she s not e for whatever reason is unknown. i don t know.whatle i but in a battle, i want her
i want her in my trench.o be it sliev pretty hard to believes now, but that wa s the absolute consensus among democratic party sycophants until 2016 in 2016. as if by command from above the fawning stopped abruptly, replaced initially by silence and then by howl s of scorned rage. so whatwh happeneapped inne 6 with donald trump is elected president and then a few days later displayingpr the independence of spirit the democrats claim to love in y young women. buoungwomen butuallyt actually anything. tulsi gabbard decided to talto k to the new president about an issue that she cared about, which was us policy toward syria. d syria a country that, again, s po virtually alone in pointing out has an awful lot of christiansn. . so maybe we should pay attention. as she put i t at the time.s quote, i felt it was importantth to take the opportunity to meet with the president elect now t-elect.before the drumbeats ofr that neocons have been beating t drag us into an escalation of. the war