the facebook data privacy scandal has put a spotlight on the data collection practices of social media and other online platforms. while facebook has a lot of access to information about you, consider how much google could know about you. google has many products and services under its umbrella. the search engine, google maps, youtube, chrome internet browser, google play, google assistant and cell phone operating system android. it gives google all huge reach. the android operating system is used on more than 2 billion devices. maps, chrome, search, youtube, g-mail play has 1 billion users. according to the wall street journal google can use its services to collect data whether you have an account with them or not. like facebook google has access to your name, gender, phone
page have for president trump. what do you have so far? sean, i think this is incomplete production. we know their texting habits, how often they were texting in other periods, this is the period december 2016 during the trump transition all the way up to the firing of james comey and then the appointment of robert mueller as a special counsel. if there s only 40 some pages there, there s gaps. some of the stuff is incomplete. so i don t think this is a full production. i think there s more questions that this raises and we re going to have to go back to the justice department and ask them why they weren t able to recover the full strzok-page texts. sean: congressman, i had multiple sources telling me tonight that they suspect that there were other devices used as well. did you get that? is that your interpretation looking at this? yes. we ve also have reason to believe that they were using something called the clean g-mail.
because i didn t tell my husband at the time. i didn t want him to be upset with me, and then i felt like honestly, so much time had passed, i was embarrassed to say something and have him say but your husband knew about the incident with you and trump at that point he did not know. to go home and be like i had this guy attack me and by the way, he did this because of this, i didn t want him to think i was a bad mom or i put our daughter in danger. i didn t know. michael, have you hand third down sketch over to the authoritys? we re not in a position to get into the contacts. what we will say is this. that we re offering $100,000 reward for information leading to the identification of this man, and if people go to i.d. the thug at g mail, they can send us the information that they have.
this a significant story because it is another brick in the foundation of this e-mail that they were trying to hide something and indeed not only did he use the work e-mail but then forwarded to his g-mail which he used to talk about to to to talk to the stormy daniels side. and one more piece of information interesting with the lawyer, where he talks about what they think we ll learn from all of this. we believe that ultimately we re going to be able to trace this back andn one form or another to a payment from the trump organization or from the surrogate for mr. trump. now that is stormy daniels lawyer, just one side of the case. but if he s right, and they can trace the money back to donald trump or the donald trump organization that is significant. and but we re not hearing another side to the case. we are not the court of law. but we re not hearing the other side. there is you drop the term hint of obfuscation which i
but again, sarah sanders responding to that remarkable interview by katy tur moments ago. another head-spinning day in the news. kristen, thank you. ken delanian, i want to follow up on some points that katie was making and additional questions. one of the things that sam nunberg raised as a potential problem was the gathering of this information. texts, e-mails, and in this day and age, it is realive relatively if you use g-mail and coy give you my e-mails from the freshman year in college if you wanted them. is that a reasonable way of saying, hey, i really need to get out of this because i simply cannot do this? of course not. you have to fulfill the bomt request to t the document request to the best of your ability. and it is amazing that a spokesperson for the executive branch did not encourage this person to comply with a lawful grand jury issued by the executive branch.