WISCONSIN — Everyone knows Wisconsin for cheese, beer and brats. Check out these kitschy roadside attractions that will only expand your love of the Dairy State.
National Bohemian
Fri Jul 21 2000 at 1:27:44
The quintessential Baltimorebeer, often called Natty Boh. Was made by an independent brewery in Baltimore for many years, but I believe the brand is now owned by Schlitz and made in San Antonio, Texas. The traditional accompaniment to steamed crabs. The Natty Boh Cyclops is a popular Baltimore icon altered by musician Mary Prankster for her own purposes.
Wed Feb 07 2001 at 15:27:01
One of the cheapest beers money can buy. The going rate is about $8 a case (cans, of course). While it s certainly by no means good beer, it s got a definite charm to it, once you get used to it, and it sure beats Budweiser. It s got the consistency of thick ginger ale, with a strong yeasty flavor to it.